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STP Platform

Solution Seeker

See the future of your industry

Achieve your transformation goals with clarity with Smart Campus, your direct pathway to future-focused insights.

1. Sense and scout
A wide variety of solutions are innovating in or around your industry. We enable you to discover them firsthand to make smarter partnership and acquisition decisions through product demos and digital journeys.
2. De-risk with deep innovation expertise
From best practices on digital transformation to ecosystem insights, we help you understand and implement your transformation agenda. Our interaction with scenario-based testing ensures that we gather essential information for strategy validation, market assessment, and management evaluation.
3. Fast-track success with 10X solutions
Produce more with much less – maximum business impact within the shortest period of time.
Disinfection Robot
SmartAP WIFI Sensor​
Hybrid E-coach
Ubiquitous Positioning Infrastructure
Electric Mobility Devices
Radar Sensor for parking vacancy detection at lamppost
Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) and Smart Mobility Roadside infrastructure
Autonomous Vehicle (MaaS)
Smart Parking

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